Blue Raven by Melissa Pym
ARTIST NOTES: This milk oil painting uses the materials of the Old Masters and the blue colour is a favourite of mine as my body of work always tends to lean towards it. I couldn't have painted this any other way as there's just a magical quality to the mystical and mysterious blue depths of its feathers that enchants me.
Raven perches on a branch overlooking still moonlit water. A bridge dweller between worlds, Raven witnesses the dreamscape of our inner worlds and our emotional bodies, and sees how they inform our physical reality.
The stillness of the water allows a clear reflection of the inverse aspects of ourselves and the world around us. It shows us the mirrored nature of the game of life we traverse and the magic available to us when we see beyond the ordinary everyday to witness the cogs that generate our reality. Raven as a messenger brings you these gifts of hidden knowledge, of the truth lying beneath the veneered surface, in order to bring clarity, healing and transformation on all levels.
Raven asks us to share our truth clearly, as our words or lack thereof can twist our reality and create a picture that is untruthful without even realising it.
I've always struggled with my communication disabilities and my throat and words being blocked for long periods of time and when I do have the opportunity to speak and be heard, I have to choose carefully with whom and how I speak to people. In my life a lack of words is not a reflection that I don't care about the ones I love.
(Height - 81.50 cm X Width - 56.00 cm ) |
Oil on Canvas |
Animals |
000-43829-0141-01 |
© Melissa Pym |
No Awards |
Other images
Artist: Melissa Pym

ARTIST BIO | Melissa Pym is an Australian artist who studied at Brighton Bay Art, Design and Photography in 1995 and Ceramic Design at Chisholm Tafe in 1998. Initially a sculptor, Mel taught herself to paint in 2012, and continues to explore other mediums as a part of her practice. Mel focuses on her mission of finding creative solutions around her many disabilities and then passing on this knowledge to the disabled community through her YouTube channel and other platforms to increase access to art. She hopes this legacy will improve their quality of life and help save lives. You can also please support and follow her work on Instagram here:
Or Mel's other Social Media Links here:
Watch this short video to meet Mel and learn about her unconventional and remote residency at Yarra Sculpture Gallery in 2023 here:
Melissa suffers from Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, a heart condition and chronic "lyme-like" disease. Her artwork provides her with personal joy and fulfilment (when she is able to use her hands). It also gives her the extra support that she requires to finance a long-term recovery. She hopes that through fighting her disease she can inspire others to do the same. Melissa considers it her life’s mission to fight both for herself and others with "lyme-like" disease to raise awareness of it in Australia. Through education, awareness and early intervention, Australians can hope to avoid this devastating illness.
Government and health authorities have been reluctant to acknowledge and support victims of this growing epidemic, despite the evidence, undeniable proof and the increasing numbers of sufferers.
- Solo Exhibitions:
- 2002 - The Fitzroy Gallery, Fitzroy
- Group Exhibitions:
- 2024 - Sorrento Art Show
- 2023 - Dreams and Debuts - Lived Experience Art Competition
- 2023 - Hobsons Bay Art Show
- 2023 - Contemporary Sculpture Association - Sculpture Now Exhibition
- 2023 - Severe ME Artist's Project
- 2023 - A Disability Lens of Climate Emergency - Climarte Gallery
- 2023 - Art Red Hill Art Show
- 2023 - Hastings Art Show
- 2023 - Tumut Annual Art Exhibition
- 2023 - Yarra Sculpture Gallery Summer Residency & Exhibition
- 2022 - Knox Art Show
- 2022 - The Portland Art Show
- 2022 - Mornington Rotary Art Show
- 2022 - Sorrento Art Show
- 2021 - Linden Postcard Show
- 2021 - Knox Art Show
- 2014 - Town and Country Gallery, Yarragon
- 2014 - Wahalla Easter Art Show, Walhalla
- 2013 - Birds Gallery, Kew
- 2013 - The Willow Bar, Northcote
- 2003 - Gallery 66, Fitzroy
- 2003 - The Convent Gallery, Daylesford
- 2002 - The Kaleidoscope Cafe, Brunswick
- Memberships:
- CSA - Contemporary Sculptors Association
- Media:
- 2023 - Polymer Week Magazine - Blog Article "Coral Networks."
- 2021 - (Disability site) - Power Blog Article "Melissa Pym's continued healing through art."
- 2019 - (Disability site) - Power Blog Article "Creative ways to heal through art."
- 2018 - Star Weekly Newspaper article- "Art a journey of healing."
Art Commissions:
- 2023 - TeamDSC Banner Designs: Mixed Media, Painting, Sculpture Commissions
- 2022 - 2023: Bushwood Creations: Hand-painted Cabochon Eye Commissions
- 2022 - Splashy Mosaics: Hand-painted Cabochon Eye Commissions
- 2022 - Koorana Croc Farm: Paintings and Drawings
- 2021 - NYX Festival Public Art: Hand-painted Cabochon Eye Commissions